Justice Sotomayor in her dissenting opinion

The conservative wing of the Supreme Court does not sleep. Today, it has ruled that Donald Trump, acting officially as the president of the USA, is shielded from legal fallout for attempting to subvert the 2020 election. For the uninitiated, Donald Trump asked Mike Pence (then VP) to not ratify the results of the election. He asked his DOJ to direct all of its legal power to overturning the results of the election. When his DOJ did not comply, he attempted to install a new head of the DOJ that would do it. Etc. Etc.

So, the stage is set for criminality to run free within the highest office of the USA. As long as the president has a friendly court, judges can rule that any action taken by the executive is a protected action of the office. Even if that action includes, say, plotting to overturn an election or directing his staff to attempt fraud.

America will look more and more like Russia every day. I suppose that was the plan all along.