“About 20 people attended an April 11 event billed as an ‘energy round table’ at Mr. Trump’s private club, according to those people, who asked not to be identified in order to discuss the private event. Attendees included executives from ExxonMobil, EQT Corporation and the American Petroleum Institute, which lobbies for the oil industry.

The event was organized by the oil billionaire Harold Hamm, who has for years helped to shape Republican energy policies.”

“Unleash energy dominance. Drive our cost down. Sell.” This is purportedly Trump’s plan for stopping inflation and saving America.

Question: is the current price of energy reflective of demand outstripping supply? Is there not enough oil? I don’t think the answer is yes. I want someone to prove me wrong. Please email or DM me if this is something you feel strongly about.

The argument is difficult to have because people point to their high heating bill and say, “bad expensive bad” and correlate that there isn’t enough supply. Like literally we are strapped for heating oil and that is why it is so expensive, as if the valve has been shut off.

I don’t think that’s true, but I don’t have the mental bandwidth to argue it right now.

Routes of inquiry:

Oil production levels are at a record high. So, on a fundamental level, humanity has never had so much fuel. What gives then?

Where is all that energy going? What has changed in our modern lives to increase the demand so massively? More electronics, more air conditioners, higher population?

Or is the price of oil arbitrary, not necessarily driven by supply and demand? I am suspicious. If I am wrong, I want to be proved wrong.