So, once again the pollsters and the pundits were wrong. The repubbies didn’t sweep. In fact, congress is now perfectly locked between a democrat senate and a repubbie house. If you remember high school history class, you know that that means a law cannot be passed in this country until both parties agree to it. So, in essence, the mechanics of the grid lock have changed internally but the practical effect is the same: Biden isn’t going to have very many bills to sign on his desk.
But the big picture is inspiring: American’s aren’t swayed by the white nationalists to the extent that we were screamed at about. In fact, I think we could have won this thing if the dogma machine didn’t try to repress all policy driven discussion…. that said, maybe all the talk of fighting the fascists really did mean something to people.
Regardless, there is now no more excuse.
“Voters rewarded Democrats for protecting the lives and livelihoods of struggling families in a pandemic; modernizing infrastructure, not just talking about it; allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices; capping insulin costs for older Americans; making tax-dodging corporations pay up on billions in profit; lowering carbon emissions and reducing utility bills; and canceling student debt for over 40 million Americans.” – Liz Warren
BASICALLY, POLICY WORKS. There is no more excuse. We have to fight zombie Reaganomics with real ideas and policies for our legislators to implement. We must DEMAND action over words! Seriously, we cannot bicker about these asinine ideas anymore. In Kentucky, they voted to shoot down abortion restrictions, republican senators are just fucking wrong and lying. Mitch McConnel is actually talking out of his asshole when he says that banning abortion is an issue of national importance. His own state can’t even commit. Americans don’t want to ban abortion, but Americans do want SOLUTIONS. Solutions to problems like inflation, energy, jobs, the future of a dying planet. I swear to fucking god, the republicucks want to be lead by a good daddy so badly. They want a good leader so badly that they are electing TV stars. BE THE LEADER AMERICANS SEEK! DON’T LET PAYED ACTORS FILL THE ROLE FOR YOU YOU STUPID INBRED
Ok enough of that. Basically, don’t let complacency win. Hammering home that educating a generation of productive, intelligent, creative, and motivated kids is as valuable as ever before. If we as a nation want to make stuff again and be self reliant, if we do not want to be beholden to tyrants in other countries, then we need smart people willing to step up to the task of actually literally making America great again. That can be you and me. That can be older people. That can be a new generation of kids. We need to invest in that though. It isn’t going to magically happen by banning abortion and declaring the USA a Christian state.
We are paying for it after all. Easy to forget that part.
Republicans are going to try to gum up the legislature until 2024. Let’s make that hard for them. Threaten them with your ballot. Voting is proving more powerful with each election. More people are doing it than ever before. Then, we can focus on the true enemy, the Deep State Democrat Industrial War Oligarchy.