For the second time now, I have a start date with the United States Postal Service (USPS). Previously, I was set to be a city carrier in New York’s own Manhattan. I would have had to pass a driving test in NYC. How wild would that have been! This time, I am to report to Chelsea, MA. Chelsea happens to be the place where my grandfather was raised. My great grandfather moved there from East Boston.

I am excited to work hard and work a lot. Plenty of OT in the postal service, I hear. I hope I get a day off once a week, but with December coming…. I may have to play Santa long into the night. I’m not too stressed about it honestly. I’m at a stage in my life where I just want to work hard and do my own thing.

I have to pass a driving test of course. I’ve been driving for over 10 years, should be easy enough…

Anthony is the saint of Mail Carriers. Please, guide my path!