Mamma Chen craved crab

And, being a biologist, 

Thought she could kill one.

Mallet for masticator, 

Fist focused white


To make art of arthropod

But the grey thing hummed.

The benthic baby,

With glistening stalks and

Rubber banded nippers blubbered 

Harmlessly as it scuttled against hard sink chrome.

Mother was moved,

But mallet was not.

Wrist cracked a whack

But obstinate carapace objected!

Glance after glance

The bout went on.

Despite brittle bones and a chitin chitter,

The creature scrabbled on.

Mamma broke,

Cheek streaked

With salty water that reminded 

The crustacean of home.

Pot on the burner brought to boil

And that was that.


Bye bye