This page serves as a basic recipe guide for the various crafting recipes that you may need while playing the Better Than Wolves. I have labeled every recipe, so ctrl+f will reveal that which you seek. The recipes are presented in a somewhat chronological list, with the most important survival recipes up front and the more complex, mechanical recipes at the bottom. This list is not exhaustive. It mainly serves to highlight crafting recipes that you will need to get started. It concludes with crafting a windmill, pictured above. A more robust guide will follow (someday!).
Sharp Stick (use on stone to get rocks)Sharp Stick (can be made with a branch as well)Sharp Stone (a faster carving tool than a stick)Wooden Club (for whacking things)Bone Club (even better at whacking things)Fire Plow (hold right click to start a fire with this, takes VERY LONG!!!)Fire Plow (branches and sticks are often interchangeable in recipes)Bow Drill (hold right click to start a fire, much faster than plow)Flint and Steel (starts fires wicked fast)Campfire (right click with sharp stick to create a spit for roasting food over the fire)Campfire
NOTE: Sawdust, sticks, branches, saplings, and some other flammables are great sources of fuel for the campfire. If the item hanging above the fire has white steam coming off of it, then it is cooking. Do not let the fire get too high for too long or the food will burn. Whole logs cannot be placed in the campfire or they will smother the fire.
Unlit TorchStone Axe (chop wood by placing axe and log in crafting grid)
NOTE: stone tools cannot be made with branches. The shaft would be too flimsy!
Stone Shovel (use to dig up clay!)Clay Brick (place in the sun to dry into a brick)Brick Slab (used to make an oven)Brick Oven (16 individual bricks required total, place fuel in bottom slot and cookable item in top slot)
NOTE: Oak logs, birch logs, and coal are the best fuel, they will completely fill the fuel slot of an oven.
Most flammable items can be used as fuel in the oven.
Loose Brick Block (right click with clay or slime to mortar)Iron Ore Chunk (can be smelted in oven to create an iron nugget)CoalCobblestone SlabLoose Cobblestone Block (right click with clay or slime to mortar the block)Dirt SlabLoose Dirt BlockGravel SlabSand SlabFlint Knapping (used to create a flint knife)Leather Cutting (hold right click to cut leather)Rib Carving (hold right click to carve the rib)Bone PickaxeIron Knife (even better than a flint knife)Iron Chisel (use on a stump to create a CRAFTING TABLE! Er… Crafting Stump! Workbench… Work stump!)Bone Carving (hold right click to make a fish hook)Fishing Rod (iron nugget can replace bone hook in this recipe)Baited Fishing Rod (creeper oysters, spider eyes, bat wings, and more can be used as bait) Clay Ball (used to convert little clay piles into useful clay)Bow Stringing (hold right click and release at the right moment to create a bow)Arrow (shoot with bow by having arrows in your hotbar)Leather BootsLeather PantsLeather Chestplate / Leather TunicLeather HelmetKnitting NeedlesKnitting (hold right click to knit some textiles)
NOTE: The only way to acquire a tuque is to knit. Wearing a tuque is strongly suggested.
Stone PickaxeStone Hoe (find hemp seeds by tilling grass. Till by holding left click on dirt)LadderHand Crank (for laborers)Millstone (pure capital)
NOTE: The millstone and hand crank work together to crush hemp into fibers.
NOTE: Hemp fibers can replace string in most recipes.
Rope (made of hemp fibers)FabricAxle (used to transfer mechanical power)Gearbox (used to extend or change the direction of mechanical power carried by axles)Redstone thing (I don’t remember what this is called… A mechanism?)Gearbox Clutch (apply a redstone current to turn off the gearbox)Sail (used to craft a windmill or travel quickly by boat)Windmill (used to generate mechanical power with the wind!)Iron IngotIron Pickaxe (wow!)Compass (points your way back to spawn)